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Cheers to you - our customers!

Cheers to you - our customers!

Solenoid Ninja had its best year ever, and we owe it all to you!

Our goal when beginning Solenoid Ninja was to fill a void, to help our customers acquire small quantities, high-quality electromagnetic products, and provide expert technical support.

Build it, and they will come. We found that to be true, each year, our customer base and sales grew along with the inquiries. In 2019, we saw tremendous growth in the number of new orders and more than doubled our sales.

Each year, we try to stretch further to offer more products, shorter lead times, and better technical service, in hopes to make your life just a little bit easier. From a solenoid, to make a hobby project complete to providing prototypes that will solve a problem for tens of thousands of people. We are here to help.

We look forward to 2020 with much excitement and anticipation of another banner year. Cheers to you! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a happy and prosperous year 2020! Thank you!